Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tech Industry Perspective

Desk Top Backup - Lots of Choices, No excuses

Last installment, we discussed the facts of life about desktop data storage, backup and recovery. There's no question that periodic backup of desktop data files is a critical part of computer procedure. There are lots of choices as to the way you can protect your desktop data. These can range from tape drives to removable storage media to external drives to software that allows you to replicate the image of your drive on another hard disk drive. Let's look at these alternatives briefly and some of the products available.


Read more: Desk Top Backup - Lots of Choices, No excuses

The Media Center Continues

Media of all sorts, its duplication, manipulation, distribution and even distortion has been the real focus of PC marketing for the past year or more. Ever since Intel and AMD started marketing multi-gigahertz capable chips and Microsoft unveiled XP everyone kept asking, "What am I going to do with all that power?" Let's face it, you can only word process just so fast, after that it's wasted CPU cycles.

Read more: The Media Center Continues