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CES 2012 - What We Got O. U. T. of CES

There are some things you just expect when you go to CES, the Consumer Electronics Show. 2012 was no different. At over 1,800,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space and 3000+ exhibitors it is literally and physically impossible to see everything at the show. We make a point of catching the  highlights and during the course of the year we will also showcase a number of interesting but lower profile items we spotted at the show. Take a look at the mildly organized mayhem.


Been There Done That… The next generation


CES wouldn't be CES if the walls were not plastered with large flat-panel TVs. This year was no exception. We'll talk more about one Panasonic__booth1standout product type in a moment. The usual product categories were represented and several of them showed some nice improvements. Storage, as always, is getting bigger and faster. The multi-terabyte drive solutions are now quite common and we are seeing many more SSD's (solid-state drives) making their way into mainstream products..

The smart phone, home control systems and their ‘smart’ capabilities are being integrated into everything, including your refrigerator. One refreshing plus was that some of the home security and control products are now entering the DIY space. In the coming months we hope to review some of these and test how easy it is to install and control everything from your doors to your thermostat.

So let's start with the first letter of what we got O. U. T. of CES...

'O' Is for OLED


We have seen steady improvement in flat-panel TVs every year since their introduction. The biggest two enhancements to date have been the move from LCD to LED and the introduction of 3-D technology. At this year’s CES we saw two new technologies that demonstrated a serious improvement to what is available on the retail shelf today.


Technically speaking, OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. What it jawdrop1ashould really stand for is: "Warning, your jaw is about to drop somewhere below your knees when you look at the incredible image on this screen!". I guess OLED is less of a mouthful to say. 

LG_55_Inch_OLED_TVOLED was introduced a few years ago with very small screen sizes and very high prices (17" approx. $20k). The difficulty was working out manufacturing bugs of producing this very thin layer screen in large sizes. Apparently those stumbling blocks have been overcome. LG and Samsung both previewed 55 inch OLED models at CES.


When we were given a tour of the LG booth, it was hard to tear ourselves away to look at anything else. The crispness, clarity, incredible contrasts with its virtually perfect blacks along with the smoothness of motion in the 3-D images left us wondering why anybody would buy anything else. Of course, the anticipated debut price of $8-$10,000 may give us a good reason. Feeling mildly depressed that our new aspiration for 3-D TV may have to wait a few years we moved on and continued the tour. We were pleasantly surprised however, when we were taken over to look at the other new technology..4K.


The 4k x 2k screens (also known as 4K or UD -Ultra Definition- for short) have 4096 x 2160 pixel resolution (four times the high definition resolution of 1080p) and offer 84inch4Ka tremendously improved brightness and crispness to the displayed image. 3-D on these panels is also greatly improved as you are getting twice the resolution to each eye and it is much smoother and brighter to watch than current screens.  Of course, in 2D, you will see the full 4K resolution. Numerous manufactures, including LG, Samsung and Toshiba, had prototypes of these devices on display. Prices for these screens will probably be a bit more reasonable, we're guessing about half that of OLED. We don't expect to see either of these new technologies on store shelves till near the end of this year or early next year.


'U' Is for Ultra - Ultrathin or Ultraslim


Last year Intel introduced some new Sandy Bridge processors and AMD added to its Fusion APU (combined CPU –central processing unit- and GPU, -graphics processing unit) line touching off a mini revolution in skinny notebooks.

Whether it's labeled ultraslim or ultrathin, all of these new notebooks are designed to compete in two arenas. The first and most obvious is that of MacBook Air®. The MacBook Air is another notable piece of design from Apple that, while expensive, is an extremely thin and lightweight laptop that has been the design envy of the notebook industry. These new ultra notebooks embrace the same extremely slim and sleek design and offer excellent performance for Windows users. Like the MacBook, they do not incorporate a DVD drive as that would require more height and depth.


The other arena is the ever-growing tablet space which we'll talk about in a minute. The key here is that neither Intel nor AMD have any real presence in this quickly expanding market. These new ultra notebooks offer a real computing and convenience alternative to the Tablet form factor.

HP_Envy14_SpectreThere were entries in the ‘Ultra’ category from virtually every laptop manufacturer in the industry. All of them provided a similar experience with many stressing the beauty of their design. Of particular note was the HP Envy 14 Spectre. This took one of CNET's best in show awards, and deservedly so, for its exquisite use of glass on the front, back and touchpad. As an added bonus, it weighs just under 3.8 pounds and will give you almost 9 hours battery life.

Like any technology introduction, pricing for these ultra notebooks is a bit dear. You can expect to spend anywhere from $1000-$1500 to take one of them home. The good news is by the time you're ready to buy a gift for the graduate  in your family or start doing early holiday shopping, the price will have dropped substantially.


'T' is for Tablet

We all know the expression that starts "if I had a dollar for…". Well, if I did have a dollar for every tablet I saw at CES I would have left a very, very wealthy man. I cannot begin to count how many new companies, many of which I had never heard of before, introduced tablets at CES. Dual core processors are probably the most common upgrade to the technology along with those touting the latest Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android(4.0). As would be expected, pricing ran the gamut from just under $100 to about $500. The biggest problem I would expect from all these tablet introductions is that probably only 10% of the manufacturers will still be producing them, or in business, by this time next year.


There was one standout that caught a lot of people's attention after its AsusTransformerPrime1introduction at Nvidia's press conference. Asus and Nvidia have worked together on numerous products over the years. One of their most popular recently, was the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime which uses the NVIDIA® Tegra® 3 Quad-core CPU. It's a beautifully designed piece of technology with the 10.1 inch screen, 1080p HD video capable, and a price tag to match at just under $600. Surprisingly, this price is somewhat justified as this is the first quad core tablet/keyboard combo available on the market. However, other than the fact that Android 4.0 (ice cream sandwich) is now available for the device, this was not the big news.

Asus7inchDuring the press conference, Asus unveiled a new 7” tablet, the ME3707T. This medium size device packs the same punch as its bigger brother utilizing the Tegra3® processor to power and illuminate its 1080p capable screen. The big surprise (?)….it will be priced at $249. When it hits store shelves it won’t be there for long.


Summing Up


CES 2012 did not set the world on its ear or unveil any life changing technology. It did, as always, give us a broad view of what technology will be bringing us over the next year or so. Improvements in convenience and capability were apparent in everything from healthcare to Pioneer’s heads-up display for your car.  PioneerHeadsUpDisplayWill everything we saw actually make it to market? Probably not. Historically, that has always been the case. More importantly, the technology will. We’re looking forward to seeing and testing all the cool tech, both hardware and software, that will emerge from what we’ve seen this year. Stay tuned.

CES 2011 - Back to the Future

Back to the Future

With the 2011 edition of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) behind us, we have spent  a good deal of time discussing the technologies that were on display. It was a year which was mostly dedicated to supporting existing infrastructure and technologies rather than unveiling something new. For our observations to make sense, let me give you a little background.

Frogs and Cycles

Things in technology, like many things in this world, run in cycles. Cycles in the computer and technology industries seem to run in two forms; circular and leapfrog. Leapfrog is pretty much what it sounds like. Leapfroging TechnologyIn the case of technology it's usually between hardware and software, or lately content. 25 years ago we used to watch the hardware and software industries constantly leapfrog each other with improved capabilities. Microsoft would unveil a new version of Windows and Intel, and later AMD, would unveil a new more powerful processor that could not only run that software but had plenty of room for more. Sometime soon, Microsoft and others would release more complex software (or often just poorly written software) that would require all of that power and then some. This cycle went on and on through the 286, 386, 486, Pentium chips and onward.

Read more: CES 2011 - Back to the Future

Technology, Real Estate and Evaluation Criteria

We often get e-mails that ask us about the criteria we use when reviewing a product. In some cases we are able to use empirical objective results. This would encompass reviews such as processors, graphics cards or hard drive performance. tesla_coil.pngIn performance-based testing and review, the comparison of benchmarks will often provide the majority of information for your result. In other words, if the objective is speed a simple speed test determines the winner and/or potentially best product.

The vast majority of the reviews and testing we conduct, however, are not that simple and objective. How well something works for a given task or in a given environment is often a subjective matter. Consider ergonomic mice. In testing them, we'll certainly look to see if they perform properly, accurately and have the buttons and controls the user is looking for. However when we get to that sticky "it's comfortable in your hand" section, you no longer can use empirical testing to get your answer. Simply put, it's going to boil down to someone saying "yes, this one feels best".

So in an effort to shed some light on that sticky, subjective area we have developed a set of criteria that we use to help illuminate those qualitative traits.

Productivity, Convenience, Sufficiency

People in the real estate industry have a mantra for assigning value to a property. It lists three attributes.... and they all sound like "location". That works for real estate because of the overriding importance of that feature.  For technology, and especially business or task oriented technology, we focus on three different attributes; productivity, convenience and sufficiency.

Is that what it's supposed to do..?????

I am a function over form kind of guy. Always have been, probably always will be.  To me, the function of a device is its most important attribute. Form, and the aesthetics are just a bonus.  A nice bonus mind you, but not as important as the actual function of the product in question.

You can see why Bradley Litwins Kinetic Sculpture might impede productivity.

In reviewing a piece of  technology the first issue that we examine is whether or not this device will help make you more productive. This is a little beyond the basic issue of 'does it work?'. The real focus here is "does this new device actually improve your productivity and work output or enjoyment?"

The second attribute we focus on his convenience. Is this technology convenient, simple and effective to use? Now it is true that the concept of convenience is very subjective and certainly relative, so we try to take the common man, common sense perspective to this more qualitative attribute.

The third attribute is sufficiency. Does this new technology do a sufficient job? Is it sufficient for its stated purpose?

First Real a shovel??

To illustrate, we will look at the same three attributes of productivity, convenience and sufficiency in the framework of a common manual task and see what technology would get the best review.

Let's take a simple low-tech example, a shovel. The job at hand is to clear snow. It's something I had plenty of experience with this winter, as the Philadelphia area had a record 70+ inches of snow in one season. I  shoveled enough snow this year to have a deep and abiding understanding and respect for what it takes to move snow from one place to another. So let's pretend we've just been sent some shovels to review for this task.

The first item is a short 9 inch wide garden shovel. While in fact this is a shovel, and could be used to remove snow, it would be sometime in July before I got finished. It would not improve my productivity in clearing snow; it would not be terribly convenient to try to remove the snow 9 inches at a time; and it certainly would not be sufficient, by any definition, for the job.

The second item is a standard snow shovel with a straight shovellingbackache.jpghandle. While this item would certainly meet the  criteria of productive and sufficient and allow me to clear the snow, bent_snow_shovel.pngit wouldn't necessarily be the best choice for convenience. I say this based on experience and the pain in my lower back.

The last item is a snow shovel that uses the ergonomic, bent shaft design. If you've ever seen one it looks like someone took the handle and bent it about 18°. This has the benefit of allowing you to load and lift the snow with much less stress on your lower back. This not only meets all three criteria but is assuredly the most convenient (convenience here being the alleviated workload on your body) and therefore more productive choice.

Connecting the Dots

Anytime we review a product we take an objective approach to the products purpose. We measure and test any and all attributes that are appropriate. We often compare an item to like products in the market space as an appropriate yardstick. We also, however, make careful note of our feelings and impressions as we go through the review process. This is because that is where that final "we like it... we don't like it" is going to come from.

Hopefully for those of you who have been curious, this has shed a little light. If not, at least you now have some guidelines for your review.

CES, The Economy & 2010

CES, The Economy & 2010 

We recently returned from CES, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. As always, too much to see and not enough time to see it. The show was a somewhat smaller this year by a few hundred thousand square feet, but exhibitors and content still greatly outnumber the time available to take it all in. CES is always a great opportunity to preview the technologies we'll be seeing this year, and how the economy is affecting all of it.

The buzz words at CES this year were 3-D TV, e-Readers, Slates and smart books, smart phones and video conferencing. We're going to take a brief look at these different categories and give you our impressions.

Read more: CES, The Economy & 2010